Young Island.

Young Island.

Young Island.

There were some terrific treats that I had the welcome pleasure to devour at this pleasant little resort. The buffet offered a slew of splendid selections that really surprised me.

Can you imagine six kinds of bread?

They had coconut, banana, wheat, white, raisin, and cinnamon. Stuffed myself nearly to death. Had to make room for a couple of pina coladas and apple salad (pineapple, watermelon, apples, and lime slices washed with a sweet syrupy concoction).

Feasted on roasted goat sprinkled with coconut gratings and sauteed in curry. Snarfed on corn-squash pie, sugared plantains, fried English flying fish with cabbage shreds and pepper…

…there’s more. Forgive me. I’m falling asleep.