Taking Off to the Market.

I have plans to head into town by myself today. Guess you could call it shopping, but not necessarily buying stuff that I need. I think I may have semi-consciously given away my Armani sunglasses to Rizaldy on the return from Bequia.

[Background info: Rizaldy is a friend of Ate Jhoanape and works at the bakery.]

Bummer. I really liked those glasses too. Time for new ones.

Cemetery in Kingstown.

The Kingstown Cemetery.

Yesterday, I walked past this cemetery.

It felt more historical than haunting. Some of the graves are over a hundred years old.

I helped JirahMae with her spelling words for 15 minutes; hope she does well on her test today. She attends a private Catholic school in Kingstown. I’ll make sure to take a picture of the building when I head down and prowl the streets.

Plans, plans, plans.

Wow, watching the news about the U.S. economy is a total downer. Switching off the tube and time to eat!

Making Atis.

Breakfast in October

Breakfast in October.

This tasted great.

There’s always plenty of fruit and fried eggs in the morning. I like the “steak-striped” toast and extra crispy bacon, cucumber sandwiches.

Watermelon everyday. Can’t beat that.

Spent most of the day trying to upload videos and pictures. I’m still far behind. Hope to catch up today. Oh yeah…

…this looked fun.

The Goods.

Goodies from the Grenadines


A delightful assortment of goodies.

From one island to another. Filipino baked goodies in the Grenadines. If you’re nearby or simply want to inquire about the products here at the bakery, feel free to contact the owners, Randy and Jhoanape Kennedy through the following methods.

Phone: 1-784-457-2377

Email: vincentbakery@gmail.com

Fax: 1-784-457-9566

You can also contact Randy’s Super Market as well. I’ll have the addresses posted soon. Just remember, both locations are on the main island in Kingstown.

Phone: 1-784-456-2994

Email: randyssupermarket@yahoo.com

Fax: 1-784-457-9566

Happy Hunting!

Apex of Fort Charlotte.

Here is a non-food historical tid-bit. Fort Charlotte was built by the British in 1806. It was constructed to defend against the French. As you can tell from the video, I was totally freaked out by the ascent. Ate Jhoanape, Kuya Randy, Auntie Eppie, JirahMae, and Uncle Fidel were all present.

Lunch, yet again.

Macaroni casserole, plaintains, dumplings, corn, fried chicken, BBQ beef.

Macaroni casserole, plaintains, dumplings, corn, fried chicken, BBQ beef.

Ambassador Letters and Omelettes.

I went out last night. Vids on YouTube.Yum fish

Didn’t get too many pictures of the pre-anniversary celebrations and street parties since it was dark and I didn’t want to draw too many weird looks to yours truly, the wide-eyed tourist.

I need to learn how to crunk!

Yays. Just finished up on Uncle Fidel’s letter to H.E. (his excellency) Dr. Bienvenido Tejano, bestowed with the ambassadorship to New Zealand, representing The Philippines.

I’m repeating myself.

This was lunch.

Golden Apple Chutney.

Golden apple chutney.

Golden apple chutney.

Right now, it’s 4:23am back in Seattle. The folks here are busy frying up breakfast and getting the kids in uniform for school.

I’m feeling super-lazy today.

Fourteen hours later…

Back. Didn’t go anywhere or visit any sites. Just chilled on the balcony and read JirahMae some kiddie stories. Heh, talk about laid-back. I nearly fell asleep twice. Should have. But instead, buzz-cut my hair and started revising and typing up the letter Uncle Fidel is sending to Dr. Bienvenido V. Tejano, the Philippines ambassador to New Zealand and a relative of his…

…which in effect, makes Dr. Tejano a relative (if not by blood) of mine. Sweet.

Back to the foodstuffs. Chutney, it’s awesome. The island variety. From Trinidad and Tobago. Buy, buy buy.

The hot sauce here is AWESOME. I can’t specify all of the peppers that are crushed and bottled (I know there are habaneros and jalapenos in there, extra ripe) but dannnnggggg, I started twitching massively after a good dose.

My jaws were trembling and my brain basically went blank. I was running laps in the house until Ate Jhoanape gave me some brown sugar, melting ice, and yogurt to cool off.

I think I’m going to sleep outside on the swing tonight.


Birthday Wishes.

Cake timeToday is Kuya (older brother) Randy’s birthday.

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me saying how old he is (49) seeing that he looks about 10-15 years younger than his age.

I took some pix of food everybody was preparing for a short lunch celebration.

We wished him a Happy Birthday and said a prayer before he headed out to take JirahMae (Jhoanape and Randy’s five-year-old daughter) to school.

I’m expecting cake today!

And I got it 😉 . We’ll be heading off to Fort Charlotte soon. You can check those pictures here: http://islanderpunkandtechie.blogspot.com.

Pecan Tarts and Coconut Macaroon Cupcakes…and Pizza.

Pile on the pecan tarts.

Pile on the pecan tarts.

Freaking delicious! Today, which was actually the 21st, Ate Jhoanape (Ate means “older sister” in Tagalog, the predominant dialect in the Philippines; it is usually said with respect to one’s age) concocted some scrumptious sweets: pecan tarts and coconut macaroon cupcakes.

Spent hours at the bakery switching from bread to cakes and eventually pizza! This explains my reason for posting so late.

I managed to pull together my own brand of pizza with sprinkles of 4 different cheeses, traditional tomato sauce, pepperoni, ham, bell pepper and chunks of young green habanero peppers.

Ate Jhoanape, of course, had her own version which wasn’t as spicy and a little bit more circular than mine.

At Last…

Pictures speak louder than words and videos take the cake. I’ll let the images tell the story…for the

Loaf love.

Loaf love.

most part.

As for those secret recipe previews, I’m not too sure that I’ll be able to make good on that promise.

Uncle Fidel insisted that the family recipe be kept a secret.

What he said made sense. I actually found out that the bakery is struggling to keep up with demand.

So much for me promoting the goodies; just kidding. 😉

Oh yeah, I’ve been struggling to keep up with names so forgive me if I fail to mention who’s who in each photograph, for the moment.