So many goodies…

…and more reason to love FoodBuzz. Here are some sweets that they posted in preparation for Valentine’s Day. More coming. My new blog should be up and ready next Monday.


FoodBuzz it Up!

If you aren’t already a member of the vibrant and engaging food community on FoodBuzz, I highly encourage you to take part; bragging rights aside – I discovered 500 friends on that site all within

Pork Scallopini by Ken Canterbury.

the chilly month of January. Funtastico. Who wouldn’t want a family of gluttonous, free-wheeling aspiring chefs who share palatable transcriptions for feasting and pictorial munchie bliss!


Mind you, I don’t mention friends with the flippancy likened to the online association of the virtual associate that so-called social media experts denounce as insular verbally awkward introverts who spend upwards to 85% (<–This number isn’t based on any quantifiable data. Just my fav number for the moment.) of their time fawning over their Photoshopped avatars and making monkey faces from the confines of a greasy computer screen.


For the most part, the folks on FoodBuzz are real. They are passionate and honest about their love for food. Whereas music and love purport a universal connection among the world community, great food, the love of food, connects individuals, families, friends, societies, states and nations in the great united states of Foodbuzzinia.

Mmmm, I need some more chocolate.

Food Photo of the Day: Peanut Satay & Chilli Chicken With Green Beans.

Peanut Satay & Chilli Chicken With Green Beans by kimbaskitchen.