Food Photo of the Day: Strawberry Brownie Torte.

Strawberry Brownie Torte. Courtesy of Runs with Spatulas.


…here’s the cinnamon swirl pecan and oatmeal cookie cake that I baked twice in one week. It goes great with chai tea, hot chocolate, and coffee. Believe me. I’ve tried all three combinations.

These were a lot of fun to make. I added organic blue agave and white chocolate coffee syrup to the last cake. The recipe will be up soon. I hope. 🙂

Happy Birthday, Casey.

Cake from C.K.'s parents. Delish!

Despite all the madness that’s happened this year, I truly wish you a wonderful and memorable birthday. Thank you for showing me a better appreciation for good food and a beautiful soul. And don’t forget to save me a piece! 😉

Love ya, mate.

– Anthony


Cake in the States.

Here’s a gallery of a Filipino bakery in Elk Grove, California. They weren’t too happy when they saw me snapping pictures and insisted that I should have asked for permission first before I did. Whoops.

Golden Apple Chutney.

Golden apple chutney.

Golden apple chutney.

Right now, it’s 4:23am back in Seattle. The folks here are busy frying up breakfast and getting the kids in uniform for school.

I’m feeling super-lazy today.

Fourteen hours later…

Back. Didn’t go anywhere or visit any sites. Just chilled on the balcony and read JirahMae some kiddie stories. Heh, talk about laid-back. I nearly fell asleep twice. Should have. But instead, buzz-cut my hair and started revising and typing up the letter Uncle Fidel is sending to Dr. Bienvenido V. Tejano, the Philippines ambassador to New Zealand and a relative of his…

…which in effect, makes Dr. Tejano a relative (if not by blood) of mine. Sweet.

Back to the foodstuffs. Chutney, it’s awesome. The island variety. From Trinidad and Tobago. Buy, buy buy.

The hot sauce here is AWESOME. I can’t specify all of the peppers that are crushed and bottled (I know there are habaneros and jalapenos in there, extra ripe) but dannnnggggg, I started twitching massively after a good dose.

My jaws were trembling and my brain basically went blank. I was running laps in the house until Ate Jhoanape gave me some brown sugar, melting ice, and yogurt to cool off.

I think I’m going to sleep outside on the swing tonight.
